Kaden is our youngest boy. He is now 3.5 months old. He was born October of 2007. He weighed 9lbs 1oz and believe me we worked hard getting him here. As you can tell from some of the pictures it was a hard delivery. He was really big and he had the cord wrapped around his neck a few times so he was pretty swollen and..... well lets just say the older he gets the cuter he gets. He has started to roll over and he talks and laughs like crazy. He is a happy go lucky baby and we love having him in our family.
Porter is our oldest boy. He is now 2 years old. He was born in November of 2005. Right now he keeps us hoppin. We have to watch him cuz he thinks he is big enough to pick up Kaden and play with him, but sometimes he gets a little too rough with him. Kaden is a pretty good sport about the whole thing. Porter loves to play basketball and football (his dad has him brain washed). He likes to read books and be outside. He has such a cute personality and we love him very much.